Date: 2006
Status: concept
Category: light design
designer : Alexander Suricoma Babich, Viktoria Bovtenko
Goal: to create an original lamp
Conception: A herbaceous perennial plant has pleased the eye of European people more than three centuries for now. Calla aethiopica belongs to the aroids subfamily, is ecdemic from South America. Stem length can exceed 1.5 meters and cutaway flower can stay in a vase more than two weeks. However, all these facts don’t directly relate to the current project. One interesting feature is that the flower bud consists of only one petal. This nature perfection has inspired the current lamp creation. Its lampshade, just like a flower, consists of the only leaf – a metal circle, cut by a radius line (technologically not expensive). This leaf, coiled into a cone, forms a reflective lampshade. The most interesting thing is that users can change the radius of the cone themselves, thereby correcting the angle of light dispersion. Based on your current mood, you can create narrowly directed light (for example, for reading or intimate lighting) or scattered light (which allows lighting the whole place) in your room.
The calla aethiopica lamp is for people who adjust their lives themselves!